Apnea-sub, what is it?
Apnea sub designs equipment for freediving.
The design of our products is to be at the crossroads of the best compromises between efficiency, safety and well-being to offer safe and quality equipment.
Which we also seek to improve through design and research into materials that are the least harmful to the marine ecosystem.

The adventure was born from the observation that although freediving has developed quite a bit over the past decade, the equipment has not evolved much and could benefit from improvements, whether in terms of comfort or technical contributions.
It was our own practice that led us to look into the subject of equipment.
After several promising prototypes, the idea of creating a dedicated brand, made for and by freedivers and only freedivers, animated us.
to provide high-quality underwater freediving equipment with innovations that allow you to push the limits in complete safety. And to inspire a more intense and connected lifestyle with the sea.
Our vision
Our values
They are our compass that helps us stay on course in our choice of decisions and are representative of what the apnea sub's DNA is.
If we had to summarize them in 3 words, they would be:
AUDACIOUS: We are by our unique creativity which is expressed through our design and our innovations in order to surprise and amaze you. By offering you different solutions, even if it means shaking up certain precepts and taking risks rather than being yet another player who reproduces what the competition does.
Dare to focus our attention on new materials that are less harmful to the marine environment. For example, by proposing in our weights another alternative to lead with stainless steel, even if the mass property is different. This can be an interesting option for those who do not need to ballast very heavily.
Although we are in a niche sector, we intend to make Apnea sub a pioneer in its domain and to be bold beyond the material, with implications on practice, safety as well as healthiness.
DEMANDING: How to surpass yourself and improve without being a minimum of demanding? And how not to be, knowing that we want you to be able to dive safely so that you can have the best dive moments.
This is why we pay attention to the smallest details to offer durable, reliable, quality products that are as respectful as possible of nature, even if this last point remains a major issue, we cannot ignore it.
ATTENTIVE: we are attentive to the smallest details concerning: your safety, your feedback as users and environmental aspects.
Your safety is important to us because freediving is considered a risky activity. Although if it is done in compliance with basic safety rules, there is not much to fear. This is why part of our efforts are focused in this direction to bring you maximum peace of mind and reliability. If with that we can include virtues on your health, we are also interested.
Your feedback interests us because it allows us to improve our products but also to better meet your needs. We want to create a real relationship with our customers, so do not hesitate to contact us even if you are a beginner. We will be happy to listen to your suggestions and feedback.
We are also careful to respect our environment. Even if it remains a complex issue in our modern society. We are constantly on the lookout for new processes or materials that allow us to have the least impact on nature. On this point, you can also make suggestions to us, they will always be welcome.
Our ambition
Apnea sub aims to become an iconic and international brand of this sport, by developing products specific to the practice of freediving as well as a range of sportswear and swimwear with the most eco-responsible manufacturing processes possible.
To contribute to promoting the practice of freediving.Through the topics discussed in our "deeper" section or during events and partnerships.

Making freediving attractive and seductive, while developing this underwater activity and correlating health benefits.
"Performance at the heart of every breath"